Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The site is back

I'm happy to inform you that www.weborienteer.com is back - now at the OpenShift cloud. As usual the backend does not only provide you with WiFiLine documentation, but also host the map database. Searching through the base is again available from WiFiLine apps. The number of examples is still limited, but you can share your works and help in populating the base.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Site problems

Unfortunately, my Internet provider cancelled operation of the servers, where the sites weborienteer.com and weborienteer.ru were hosted, without a warning and replacement. I'm going to move the sites to other location, but this may take a while. Please, contact me directly if you need some info about the programs. As search on the servers does not work in the app anymore, I advise you to move to WiFiLine Editor instead of  WiFiLine, if you did not do it already. WiFiLine Editor allows you to create, load, save, and test local files with navigation maps. If you need example maps, request them via e-mail, and I'll send them ASAP.